How many eggs can a Female Biting Stable fly lay?
In order for them to reproduce they require blood meals. A female stable fly may lay over 1,000 eggs, which hatch in one to three days. The life cycle of the stable fly is three to four weeks. The more blood meals a female can get; the more eggs she can lay.
Where does the Biting Stable Fly lay their eggs?
They lay their eggs in materials such as hay, manure, wet spilled feed, decaying grass, poultry litter that has aged and wood. They overwinter in those materials and emerge the following spring as adults.
How to tell the difference in a house fly and a biting stable fly?
Biting Stable Fly House Fly
Smaller than the housefly
1/4 - 5/16” in length
Lighter color than the housefly
long, pointed proboscis which extends in front of the head
Where do biting stable flies stay after feeding?
Once the biting stable fly is done engorging itself you can find them on vertical surfaces such as stall walls, partitions between stalls, stall or alley way floors, the side of the barn, fences or weeds.