Humans, horses, cows, goats, hogs, and even dogs have been bitten by a horsefly.
Do you know why there is swelling from a horsefly bite?
The swelling is an allergic reaction from the bite which can leave welps and bumps all over you and your livestock. Did you know that people have been so allergic to the horsefly bite that they have died. Allergic reaction are swelling, wheezing and even infections. Bites can swell up as big as a golf ball under your skin.
Why does the bite hurt so much?
The reason the bite is so bad, is the female horsefly has a scissor like mouth part and they tear into the skin where they lap up the blood that pools at the injury sight. The female horsefly needs the protein from blood to be able to produce eggs. The female horseflies will also feed on nectar.
Does the male horsefly bite?
The male horsefly has a weak mouthpart and are harmless. Male horseflies feed on nectar or the substance that oozes from diseased or inured plant tissue.